Easy Mass Order Actions - Magento 2 extension Instructions
for Easy Mass Order Actions extension version: v1.0.7
Compatibility: Magento 2.3.6, 2.4+
Follow instructions below to properly install the extension according to your license.
In order to be able to install the module you first need to contact Mediastrategi to receive a username and password. We also need the name of the domain (incl. dev, test, staging etc) the module is going to be installed.
Add composer repository
composer config repos.mediastrategi composer \
composer require "mediastrategi/module-easymassorderactions":"^1.0"
Note: Replace user and pass with the credentials you received earlier.
Install & Setup
Run the following commands to install and setup the module. Test on a staging server first. Enter username and password when prompted.
php bin/magento maintenance:enable
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento module:enable Mediastrategi_Core
php bin/magento module:enable Mediastrategi_EasyMassOrderActions
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento maintenance:disable
After you have installed this extension you need to follow these steps.
Login to the Magento 2 dashboard
- In the dashboard main menu -> Stores -> Settings -> Configuration, click Mediastrategi and then click on Easy Mass Order Actions. See image below.
- Click on the “General” tab to open it.
3. Select the options you want to have available on the order-page (Actions dropdown). Select more than one option using ctrl+click.
1.0.7 - Fixed compatibility with Magento 2.1
1.0.6 - Added capture payment to process invoice
1.0.5 - Fixed issue were creating shipping label caused internal error
1.0.4 -
1.0.3 - Compatibility with Magento 2.3
1.0.2 - Bug fixes
1.0.1 - Initial release
Upcoming features
If you have any ideas, please contact us and we may put your feature on this list.
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